17-Step Checklist for Writing Better iGaming Content for SEO

We have summarized the entire process and distilled its essence in 20 actionable tips. Using these, you can write better casino/sportsbook/slot reviews and guides. These will be optimized for higher search rankings, and you will be able to move the traffic needle on your website in due time. Let’s dive right into our journey of content creation excellence!

Keyword Research & Targeting:

  1. Identify relevant, high-volume keywords with moderate competition – Start by identifying the phrases and terms that your target audience is actively searching for. Look for keywords that are relevant to your niche, have a decent search volume, and offer a reasonable level of competition. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where you can attract a good amount of traffic without getting lost in a sea of competitors. Finding medium-difficulty and medium-volume KWs helps you rank higher.
  2. Consider long-tail keywords to target niche audiences – Long-tail keywords are the hidden gems. They’re longer, more specific phrases that often have lower search volume but higher conversion potential. These niche keywords target specific audience segments if you write tailored content for these precise needs. For example, instead of targeting the broad keyword “online casino,” consider focusing on “best online casinos for live dealer games” or “mobile casinos with no deposit bonuses.” A good long-tail strategy can do wonders for your content, boosting your visibility in weeks.
  3. Analyze search intent to understand user needs and expectations – Behind every search query lies an intent. Are users looking for information, comparison, or a specific action? Understanding search intent is crucial for creating content that truly resonates with your audience. If someone searches for “how to play blackjack,” they’re probably looking for a beginner’s guide, not a complex strategy article. Align your content with search intent. This will reduce the bounce rate.

Content Planning & Structure:

  1. Outline your article with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion – A well-structured article is like a well-planned road trip. It has a clear starting point, a scenic journey, and a satisfying destination. Before you start writing, create an outline that includes a hook or introduction, a well-organized body with multiple sections and subheadings, and a concise conclusion that ties everything together. This will help you stay focused and ensure a logical flow of information while also helping search engines make sense of your text.
  2. Break down complex topics into easily digestible sections with subheadings – Nobody likes to read a giant wall of text. Break down complex topics into smaller, more manageable sections with descriptive subheadings. This will make your content easier to scan, decreasing your bounce rates and boosting your average view duration.
  3. Include a table of contents for longer articles to improve navigation – For longer, in-depth articles, consider adding a table of contents at the beginning. This will provide readers with a quick overview of your content and allow them to jump directly to the sections that interest them most. It not only improves user experience but tells Google that you care about your readers.

In-Depth Research & Analysis:

  1. Go beyond surface-level information and provide valuable insights – Don’t just skim the surface; dive deep! Anyone can regurgitate basic facts and figures. To create truly in-depth content, you need to go beyond the obvious and offer valuable insights that your readers won’t find elsewhere. The more value there is, the more time users will spend on your articles, which tells search engines that your content is better than competitors.
  2. Include original research, case studies, or interviews to differentiate your content – Want to make your content truly unique? Conduct your own research, analyze case studies, or interview industry experts to gain firsthand insights. This will set your content apart from the generic fluff that’s flooding the internet and position you as a thought leader in the iGaming space. And thought leaders take the top spots on SERPs.

Unique Angle & Perspective:

  1. Share personal experiences or anecdotes to add authenticity – Did you have a particularly memorable win or loss at a casino? Have you encountered any interesting trends or developments in the iGaming industry? Share your stories to connect with your readers on a deeper level and make your content more relatable. More importantly, this adds authority to your domain’s articles.
  2. Provide actionable tips and advice based on your expertise – Don’t just tell your readers what to do; show them how to do it. Offer practical tips, strategies, and advice based on your own expertise and experience. Google has a lot of data on what helpful text reads like, and if your copy doesn’t match that, only skimming the surface with no experience, it won’t rank high.

Engaging Writing & Visuals

  1. Use clear and concise language that’s easy to understand – Remember, you’re not writing a thesis paper. Keep your language simple, straightforward, and jargon-free. Avoid long, convoluted sentences and opt for shorter, punchier ones that are easy to digest. Search engines pay attention to the overall readability of your text against the overall expected readability of your audience based on data from similar articles. So, try to match the tone and level of writing of your closest competitors to rank higher.
  2. Break up long paragraphs with bullet points, images, and videos – Nobody wants to stare at a wall of text. Break up those lengthy paragraphs with bullet points, images, and videos to make your content more visually appealing and easier to scan. You might also want to use special CSS code to differentiate various sections or information. If search engines understand that you’re not just stuffing <p> tags, but making an effort to make the information more easily digestible, they will value such content more.

On-Page SEO Optimization

  1. Optimize your title, meta description, and headings with target keywords – Your title, meta description, and headings should be optimized with your target keywords to signal relevance to search engines and entice users to click. Craft compelling titles that accurately reflect your content and spark curiosity. Write meta descriptions that summarize your key points and encourage clicks. And use descriptive headings and subheadings that incorporate your keywords naturally. These elements determine how your snippets appear on search engines, and it’s important to pay attention to them for every piece of content you publish.
  2. Use internal and external links to relevant and authoritative sources – Use internal links to guide readers to other relevant pages on your site, and include external links to authoritative sources to back up your claims and add credibility to your content. Just make sure the links are relevant and add value to the reader’s experience. Both these help in SEO more than you think.
  3. Ensure your content is mobile-friendly and loads quickly – People often forget to do this. In today’s mobile-first world, it’s crucial that your content is optimized for all devices. Make sure your website is responsive and loads quickly on smartphones and tablets. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly content, so neglecting this can hurt your rankings.

Promotion & Distribution:

  1. Share your content on social media and relevant iGaming communities – You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating in-depth, unique iGaming content. Now it’s time to let the world see it! Share your articles, guides, and reviews on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Engage with relevant iGaming communities and forums, spark conversations, and build relationships with fellow enthusiasts. This sends social signals your way, which ultimately helps in SEO.
  2. Reach out to influencers and industry publications for potential backlinks – Backlinks are like gold stars in the SEO world. They signal to Google that your content is valuable and trustworthy, boosting your authority and rankings. Reach out to influencers and industry publications in the iGaming space and share your content with them. If they find it valuable, they might link to it from their own websites or social media channels, giving your SEO a powerful boost.