Example Articles

Of course, we offer free samples on topics of your own choice. If you want to order a free 800w sample from us, go to this page. You can judge our quality and witness the iGA advantage for your own project. But at the same time, here’s a collection of some articles that you can read to get an idea of what we can do for you.

We can crack any form of content

Yep, that’s right! No matter what format of content you want, we have you covered. We have worked with all types of clients ranging from folks who only have some broad strokes rules about the style to adopt while leaving full scope for creative freedom to agencies that have a specific format, word limits per section, and multiple guidelines to be followed. Through and through, we have delivered satisfaction to all types of clients. Whether you want a Top Listicle article or a Long Review, we can do it. Read our example content below:

We can write in any tone and style

And of course, we can write in the style and tone that you want! Sometimes, you want to sound like the friendly neighbor while at other times, you might want to give your readers a proper narration following all SEO rules. It doesn’t matter what style you want us to write in, we’ll ace it. As a bonus, we specialize in 3 forms of English — American, British, and Australian. To a simpleton, the difference between AmE and BrE is changing color to colour, for example. But we know the nuances because we have native US and UK speakers. When you order AmE, you get a sentence like “Alright, let’s shift our focus toward the security and license of the platform.” In BrE, you get “All right, let’s shift our focus towards the security and licence of the platform.” Check out the types of style we can write in below. This is just a sample size. We can cover any tone you want.

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